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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Point of Sale >
Customer Profile

Customer Maintenance is used to create and maintain customer records.

The following functions are available:

  1. The list of customers shown to the user is based on Customer Access Security .
  2. Maintain Customer Profile
  3. Invoice List
  4. Payments
  5. Returns List
  6. Invoice Templates
  7. Fleet Management
  8. Child Customers  

Maintain Customer Profile

  1. Add a New Record
  2. Enter the following details:
     Field  Description
     Code  Enter a code which can be a set of alphanumeric values to uniquely identify each customer.
    1. Enable the configuration "Allow users to assign new customer number". Set the value as "Y".
    2. If the above configuration is No (N), then the customer number will be system generated based on the "Next Customer Number".
     Name  Enter the full name of the customer
     Contact First Name  Enter the first name of the contact person
     Contact Surname  Enter the last name of the contact person
     Street No  Enter address Street No
     Street Name  Enter address Street Name
     City/Suburb  Enter address City or Suburb
     State  Enter address State or territory
     Postcode  Enter address Postcode
     Country  Enter address Country
     Home Phone  Enter Home Phone
     Business Phone  Enter Business Phone
     Mobile Phone  Enter Mobile Phone
     Tax File Number  Enter the "Tax Identification Number" of the customer
     Email  Enter the email address of the customer.Users can enter multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon (;).
     Customer Type  Select the Customer Type
     Category  Select the category. Category is maintained in menu: "Dropdown -> Customer -> Category"
     Group  Select the group. Group is maintained in menu: "Dropdown -> Customer -> Group"
     Credit Limit  Credit Limit is the maximum amount of credit sales allowed for a customer. For example, customer with credit limit as 200 can have total credit sales less than or equal to $200.
     Rollover Type  Select the frequency at which the credit limit will rollover. For example, if the credit limit over type is "Monthly".
    1. January Limit is $200. Customer processes a credit sale of $40. Credit Balance is $160.
    2. In February, the limit will be updated to $200.
     Preferred Payment Method  Select the payment preference of the customer
     Enable Price Level  "Enable Price Level" if enabled will use "Priority 1, Price Levels" from the price structure  for the customer.
     Price Level  Select the "Price Level" to use for the customer.
     Enable Price Class  "Enable Price Class" if enabled will allow the users to set a price class for the customer.
     Price Code  Select the Price Class
     Loyalty Customer  Tick the "Loyalty Customer" if the customer is a loyalty customer.
     Loyalty Category  Select the loyalty category for the customer.
     Insurance and Security
     Insurer  Select if the customer is part of an insurer. Prescription medicines will be charged to the insurer.
     Policy No  Enter the policy number for the insurance.
     Reference  This is an open text field, users can enter desired content
     Security Card ID Enter Customer's unique security ID. For example, a security ID for a customer can be 111122223333. Enter the ID with the identifier combination to automatically select the customer in the POS screen (this combination is used for printing on the customer loyalty card). The Identifier is LOY, then use LOY111122223333LOY, this selects the customer with a security ID 111122223333 and loads the customer name in the Customer Field and populates the address in the Delivery Button
     Primary User  Select the primary user for the customer record. Used by Customer Access Security
     Organisation  Select the organisation for the customer. Used by Customer Access Security
     Notes  This is an open text field, users can enter desired content

Addtional Fields

 Field Name  Description  Value
 LoyaltyNumber  Loyalty Number. This number is exported in "Sales Loyalty" file.  
 ShowAvailableCredit  Show Available Credit on sales docket. Use this flag to show/hide available credit in receipt.  Y / N

  1. Loyalty Number
  2. Show Available Credit on sales docket

Figure 1: Customer Maintenance